Teaching ideas, activities, and inspiration to celebrate the month of March including St David's Day, Careers Week, St Patrick's Day, Holi, Ramadan, Shrove Tuesday, Spring, and more...PLUS book your FREE place for a live interactive storytelling session on World Book Day!

Dates at a Glance
Feb 28 - Mar 30 Ramadam
Mar 3 - Mar 8 Careers Week
Mar 1 St David's Day
Mar 4 Marching Band Day
Mar 4 Weird Pride Day
Mar 4 Shrove Tuesday
Mar 6 World Book Day
Mar 7 Alexander Graham Bell Day
Mar 13 This Day in History - The Discovery of Uranus
Mar 14 Holi
Mar 16 National Panda Day
Mar 17 St Patrick's Day
Mar 20 First day of Spring
Mar 21 Comic Relief
Feb 28 - Mar 30
Sawm is the fourth pillar of Islam, the obligation to fast from dawn to sunset.
Enjoy a Traditional Ramadan Meal

This activity provides the opportunity for students to explore and express their likes, dislikes and preferences giving them a voice and a choice in their food, try new foods and increase variety in their diet.
Pre-Dawn Meal
Rice pudding
Dried fruit: apple, apricots, raisins, prunes
Bananas, dates figs, mango, papayas, peaches,
Feta cheese
After Sunset Meal
Lentil soup & crusty bread
Spiced pears (sprinkle tinned pears with cinnamon and brown sugar)
Present the foods to touch, smell and taste.
When offering a taste, start with a little touch to the lips, offer a morsel, an egg spoonful progressing to a small bite.
Can the sensory explorer communicate a request for more?
Can the sensory explorer make a rejection if they do not like a food item?
Can the sensory explorer choose between two motivating foods?
Be allergy aware
Devise a menu

Mar 1
St David's Day
Explore Welsh Foods
Present a variety of Welsh foods for the individual to explore at their own pace.
Initial explorations could be through touch and smell.
When progressing to tasting, present a tiny touch to the lips, then offer a morsel or a drop in the mouth, an egg spoon building up to a full bite.
Welsh Cheese: Caerphilly, Capel Newydd, Celtic Promise, Dragon’s Breath, Harlech Truckle, Perl Las Blue, Welsh Cheddar, Welsh Goat’s Cheese, Y Fenni,
Welsh Vegetables: Leeks, Samphire
Welsh Seafood: Cockles, Seaweed (Laverbread)
Welsh Sweet Foods: Welsh Cakes, Bara Brith
Other Foods: Cawl (stew,) crempog (pancakes made with buttermilk, pikelets, taffy, tatws popty (roast potatoes,) Welsh onion cake (layered potatoes with soft onions)
Welsh Rarebit Recipe
350g Mature Cheddar, grated
1 large egg, lightly beaten
2 tbsp milk
Thickly sliced bread
Option to season with mustard/pepper/Worcestershire sauce
Grate the cheese.
Mix the cheese with the milk and the beaten egg.
Preheat the grill and toast the bread on both sides.
Spread the cheese mixture on the toast.
Grill until the cheese is melted and turns golden brown.
Explore Food Textures (Model the Language)
Aromatic, bitter, buttery, cheesy, chewy, coarse, creamy, crispy, crumbly, crunchy, delicate, eggy, fishy, fresh, mushy, oniony, peppery, pungent, ripe, rubbery, salty, savoury, seasoned, sharp, smooth, soggy, squidgy, squishy, toasty, vinegary.
St David's Day Sensory Flag

Alternative Activity - Mark Making using Leeks
You will need
Whole Leeks
Card or paper
Black & Yellow Paint
Model using the leek as a paintbrush, dipping the end into paint and paint the flag of St David.
Simplify the Activity
Provide a template of a flag for the sensory explorer to use the lines as a guide.
Option to colour code.
Mar 4 - Mar 7
Careers Week
Suggested Resource
Told as a multisensory story, this resource explores the world of jobs and work experience.
The extension activities are set up to appeal to appeal to a range of ages and abilities.
Early Years and Reception and Year 1 students can explore the world of work through role play and classroom-based activities.
PMLD students can explore the world of work through the sensory props and themed activities.
For post-16 students there are ideas for work experience within the whole school and suggestions for where to look for work placements in the wider community.
Table of Contents
The Benefits of Multisensory Storytelling
How to Tell a Multisensory Story
Story Props Checklist
Fully Resourced, Step-by-Step Multisensory Story
The Coffee Shop
The Library
The Charity Shop
The Garden Centre
The Hair Salon
The Pet Store
Classroom Job Board
Whole School/Setting Job Board
The Interview
Classroom Job Board
There's a job for everybody on this classroom job board!

4th March
Marching Band Day

Mar 4
Shrove Tuesday
Smell, touch and taste pancakes.
You can use ready-made shop bought pancakes, make your own pancakes using an instant batter mix or make a batter mix from scratch.

Batter Mix Recipe
225g (1 3/4 cups) plain flour
500ml (2 cups) milk
2 large eggs
Explore 'Sweet' and 'Savoury' Pancake Toppings.
Can the students make a 'sweet' pancake and a 'savoury' pancake by selecting the correct ingredients?
Sweet Toppings: bananas, berries, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, cream, honey, ice-cream, jam, maple syrup, strawberry sauce.
Savoury Toppings: aioli, avocado, baba ganoush, cheese, spices cinnamon/nutmeg, garlic dip, guacamole, houmous, marmite, mushrooms, pesto, sour cream, taramasalata, tzatziki.
Be allergy aware!
Can the sensory explorer express a preference between sweet and savoury?
Can the sensory explorer identify the 'healthier' choices for the pancake toppings?
Eat Your Way Around the World!
Pancakes are a global treat! Explore the different pancakes and toppings.

Mar 6
World Book Day
Just Released
Join your favourite fictional book characters and explore the world of non-fiction with this fully resourced, step-by-step sensory story perfect for celebrating World Book Day.
Includes 70 Plus World Book Day activity idea for sensory learners of all ages and ideas for students extending their learning.
Buy Direct £3.50 email rhymingmultisensorystories@outlook.com
Subscribers visit the Members Library to download your FREE copy
Subscribe to the Members Library for unlimited access to all resources, bonus content.
£95 (site licence, multiple users)

Join me for a FREE live interactive storytelling session on World Book Day 6th March 2025 at 11.15am. Everyone welcome!

Mar 7
Alexander Graham Bell Day
On this day Alexander Graham Bell uttered his famous words to his assistant Mr. Watson, 'Come here; I want you.' via his new invention, the telephone.
Using the telephone is an important life skill. Disused landline phones and old mobile phones (batteries removed) are excellent tools for role play, developing communication skills, firing the imagination, and building confidence.
Explore Telephone Role Play
Make an imaginary phone call to a relative, friend or a famous person.
Role play ordering food, a booking a taxi or making an appointment.
Relay messages, give or receive directions and instructions. Provide a diary/notebook to write appointments and information in.
Extend Learning
Teach students how and when to call the emergency services.
Make Paper Cup Phones
Paper cup phones are fun to make and excellent for promoting turn-taking and listening skills.
You will need:
Two paper/polystyrene cups
How to make the Paper Cup Phones
Cut a piece of string (15-20 m in length)
Poke a small hole in the bottom of each cup.
Thread the string through each cup securing each end with a knot.
How to use the Paper Cup Phones
Each person takes a cup and holds it at full stretch.
One person talks into the cup while the other puts the cup to their ear and listens.
Mar 14
The Discovery of Uranus (1781) This day in sensory hostory
'The clouds of Uranus are smoky and smelly
It wobbles around on its side like a jelly'
(Excerpt from 'Journey into Space - A Multisensory Exploration')
Explore Uranus
Light an incense stick out of reach of the student but within their eye line, Can the student track the smoke as it dances into the air?This activity is best done outdoors.Do not use incense sticks around individuals with allergies or respiratory conditions. Alternatively, track the vapour using an aromatherapy oil burner.
Smell lapsang souchong tea, BBQ seasoning, or paprika, all have a smoky smell.
Engage the student’s sense of touch as they investigate the elasticity of a jelly and how it wobbles and moves when touched. Would the student like to taste the slippery, shivery jelly?

Mar 17
St Patrick's Day
Activity Idea
Bell Pepper Shamrock Painting
You will need:
Bell Pepper
Card/Paper Bell
Green Paint
1. Cut the bell pepper in half width-ways to reveal the natural 'shamrock' shape.
2. Dip into green paint then print onto paper.
Extend this activity by using two colours: orange and green paint (to represent the colours of the flag)
Extend Learning
Can the student make a pattern by alternating the colours?
St Patrick's Day Sensory Box
Sensory boxes do not have to be complicated. A few simple items can re-tell a story.
Keep changing the items to keep the activity fresh.
Swap items out if the sensory explorer becomes rejects them.

Suggested Resource
'Kidnapped by pirates as a slave at sixteen
Patrick was taken to Ireland, a land lush and green
He worked in the hills, guarding the sheep
From foxes and wild bears to earn his keep'
Table of Contents
Story Props Checklist
How to Tell a Multisensory Story
St Patrick's Day - Fully Resourced Step-by- Step Multisensory Exploration
Developing Comprehension & Understanding
Story Map
St Patrick's Day Listening Game
St Patrick's Day Sensory Bag
St Patrick's Day Sensory Bin
Leprechaun Food
Sensory Art
Sensory Stuffed Sock Snakes
Bubble Snakes
The Leprechaun's Science Lab
Soda Bread Recipe
Interesting Facts
St Patricks Day Ideas & Inspiration
Mar 14
'Taste Safe*' Holi 'Powder Paint' Recipe
This alternative to powdered paint which may contain binders, fillers, and thickeners, you may not wish a person to mouth or eat.
*In this context, 'Taste safe' refers to that the taste safe Holi powder paint is not intended to be eaten but considered in small quantities safe, if the mixture were to be mouthed, providing the individual does not have any allergies to the ingredients.
Making and exploring this sensory 'paint' provides a wonderful sensory experience.
You will need
Bowl and a spoon/spatula/fork
1/2 cup flour
Milkshake powder
1tsp of water
A few drops of essence/food flavouring or dried/fresh herbs and spices
Mix the ingredients to a mouldable, yet powdery consistency.
You can rub with your fingers or provide fine motor tools (forks, spoons, spatulas)

Sensory Bin Fillers
Rainbow Rice
Rainbow rice makes a colourful base for a sensory bin.
Involve the students in making the rainbow rice.
You will need
Lidded container
1 cup of dried rice
1 tsp vinegar
Food colouring
Place the cup of dried rice into a container.
Add 1tsp vinegar and shake the container.
Add the food colouring (adjust the quantity according to the depth of colour required)
Place the lid on the container.
Shake again until the rice is coloured.
Spread onto a baking tray/kitchen towel to dry.
Repeat using different colours then mix to make your Rainbow Rice.
Have You Tried?
Dyeing beans. Beans can be dyed using the above method.

Promote Fine Motor & Colour Sorting Skills
Can the sensory explorer or scoop the sensory bin filler using a cup? Can they transfer the contents of the scoop into a container?
Place a variety of colourful sensory items into the sensory bin: acrylic gems, beads, counters, cubes, feathers, Lego bricks, magnetic letters, pipe cleaners, plastic clothes pegs, paper straws. Can the sensory explorer use tweezers, grippers, or tongs to pick up items?
Promote colour recognition skills by providing different coloured containers to sort the items into or colour code compartments of a snack tray.
Suggested Resource 'Holi - A Multisensory Exploration
'I visited India on the first day of Spring
And what a surprise that did bring!
I walked onto the street, a young boy ran by
And threw powder paint high into the sky
Paint covered my clothes, face, and my hair
Bright coloured mist clouded the air'
Celebrate the magic and colour of the spring festival of Holi with this comprehensive teaching pack which includes a fully resourced, step-by-step multisensory story and themed extension activities.
£3.98 visit the shop
£3.50 buy direct email rhymingmultisensorystories@outlook.com
FREE to subscribers to the Members Library

Holi Table of Contents
Story Props Checklist
How to Tell a Multisensory Story
Holi Full Poem
Story Delivery Ideas
Holi- A Multisensory Exploration, a fully resourced, step-by-step multisensory story
Skills and areas of Learning Promoted During the Multisensory Storytelling Session
Holi Themed Sensory Bag
Holi Themed Sensory Pot Pourri Bag
Holi Themed Sensory Umbrella
Holi Themed Sensory Tent
Holi Themed Sensory Bin
Using Dyes and Food Colouring to Colour Sensory Bin Fillers
Holi Themed Listening Game
Indian Music
Sensory Paint
How to Make Powdered Chalk
Taste Safe Powder Paint
Balloon Splatter Art Activity
Primary Colour Mixing Ziplock Activity
Firework Art Activity
Let's Make...Holi Powder Paint
Jackson Pollock Themed Art
Art in Action by the Students of Harbour House
Paint Bombs & Cinnamon Stick Painting
Salad Spinner Artwork
Colour Sorting Activity
Tips for Sourcing Resources
Thandai Recipe
Rainbow Fruit Kebabs
Exploring Emotions Through Colour Idioms
Holi Ideas & Inspiration
Mar 16
National Panda Day
Although quiet animals, Pandas do make 'barking', 'huffing', and 'growling sounds'. Listen to an audio clip of a Panda making these sounds. Can the student imitate any of the sounds? Model, record their vocalisation and play it back.
Pandas move slowly with their toes pointing inwards. Watch footage of a Panda walking and how it moves. Can the student walk and/or move their body like a Panda?
Make a Panda Themed Sensory Bin
Line the base of your tray/container with green shredded paper/grass/dried rice/noodles/green tagliatelle.
Add 'Bamboo'/ small doweling sticks or twigs, lollipop/craft sticks, cinnamon sticks) and assorted leaves and grasses.
Add a toy panda (or draw/print out pictures of pandas on card, laminate and affix to a lollipop stick or straw)
Add other interesting black and white items: pom poms, Lego bricks, dice, counters, pipe cleaners, feathers, sequins.
Food Exploration
Place food items into a snack tray or compartment food tray for sensory exploration.

Mar 25
Mother's Day

If you would like to showcase your sensory artwork, wall displays or crafts in the teaching calendar email rhymingmultisensorystories@outlook.com and win a free teaching pack of your choice.
Mar 20
Spring runs from 20th March to 21st June 2022
Make a Spring Weather Box
This activity promotes an understanding of the change of seasons, provides sensory feedback and the opportunity for the individual to explore and express their likes, dislikes and sensory preference giving them a voice and to make choices.
You will need:
A Lidded Box
Spring clothing: ankle socks, cardigan/fine knit, lightweight raincoat, long sleeved t-shirt, spring dress
Single switch communication device (Talking Tile/BIGMack or similar device) with a recording of birdsong.
Umbrella and water spray bottle (for those spring showers)
Spring vegetables: Artichoke, asparagus, baby carrots, chard, celery, chives, fennel, lettuce, new potatoes, radish, spinach, spring onion.
Engage the Senses
Place the items into a lidded box for the student to explore.
Change the items in your box to keep the activity fresh and motivating.
You may wish to start with one or two items in your box and keep adding to them.
If the individual dislikes an item in the box, then remove it and replace with a different item.
Take a note of sensory preferences. This information can be used in the writing of care plans and personal care e.g., you may discover that the student prefers a viscose V-neck t-shirt to a polyester collared one, cotton patterned ankle socks instead of mid-calf plain socks. This sensory exploration may help you identify new foods, textures, or items that the student enjoys.
Table of Contents
How to tell a Multisensory Story
Story Props Checklist
'Spring' Full Story
'Spring' Fully Resourced, Step-by-Step Multisensory Story
Spring Pond Sensory Bin
Let's Explore...Lambs
Bee Seed Balls
Nest Building
Make a Bird Nesting Material Holder
Chocolate Bird Nests
Flower Colour Changing Experiment
Spring Weather Box & Sensory Clothes Exploration
Spring Nature Walk
Bottle Animals
Herb Sock Animal
Cress Shapes
Mini Greenhouse
Nature's Art Room
Spring Weaving
Spring Clean Your Classroom
Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
Spring Ancient Beliefs - Egypt & The Roman Empire
Spring Ancient Beliefs - Shemu
Spring Ancient Beliefs - Anglo Saxons
Spring Ancient Beliefs - Ancient Greece & Maya
Mayan Equinox Sensory Bin
Spring Festivals Around the World - Holi
Spring Festivals Around the World - Marzanna (Poland)
Spring Festivals Around the World - Cimburijada (Bosnia)
Spring Festivals Around the World - Las Fallas (Valencia Spain)
Spring Festivals Around the World - Cherry Blossom Festival (Japan)
Spring Festivals Around the World - Nowruz (Iran)
Spring Sensory Ideas & Inspiration
Mar 21
Comic Relief
We all need laughter in our lives!
Watch a clip of a clown/circus act or a funny cartoon.
Listen to audio clips of people laughing (canned laughter.)
Record the group/class laughing and play it back.
Who can do the loudest/quietest laugh? The funniest/silliest laugh?
Make funny masks.
Provide wigs, face paints and dressing up clothes. Invite students to explore different looks, the wackier the better! Provide a mirror so students can see their reflection.
Enjoy a 'laughing' yoga!
Make a 'Red Nose' Pom Pom
This activity is relaxing, tactile and promotes fine motor skills.
You will need:
Red wool
Two circles of card (students can either trace around a circular object to create their own or you can provide a template.)
How to Make a 'Red Nose' Pom Pom
Cut the card into two circles the same size.
Cut out the centres to create a 'doughnut' shape.
Make one cut from the outer edge of the circle to the inner 'doughnut.'
Start wrapping the red wool around the edge of the circle and through the doughnut until you there is no space to wrap anymore wool.
Cut along the edge of the wool
Wrap a piece of wool between the two circles of card to secure and tie.
Trim any straggly pieces of wool.
Guest Submission
March 4th Weird Pride Day by Helen from Autistic Realms
Helen has created a messy play activity idea sheet and a sensory story to promote Weird Pride Day 2024.
Helen writes: 'There is a Facebook page and website which give info about the context and aims of the day - promoting acceptance, inclusion, celebrating diversity, uniqueness, and weird and wonderful ways of being!
This is an international event, and we will be sharing some educational resources and info to support educational settings.
I think there is some caution with using the word 'weird' within education, but it is a way of accepting things that are different and embracing neurodiversity.'

Helen Edgar Bio
Helen Edgar is a SEN Early Years / Primary teacher specialised in working with those with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities. Founder of Autistic Realms - supporting neurodivergent young people and their families. Offering neurodiversity affirming educational training, workshops and resources.
Contact Details
Website: www.autisticrealms.com
Twitter /X: @autisticrealms
Facebook: www.facebook.com/autisticrealms
If you would like to share your sensory activity ideas in the teaching calendar email rhymingmultisensorystories@outlook.com and win a free teaching pack of your choice.
March Birthdays
2nd March 1904
Dr Seuss - Share a story 'Green Eggs & Ham', 'The Cat in the Hat', 'One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish', 'Horton Hatches the Egg'
6th March 1475
Michelangelo - Explore his artwork
March 14th 1879
Albert Einstein - Explore light (torches/light-up toys), gravity (throwing balls in the air), space and time.
The March Sensory Garden
A time for tidying, weeding, mulching, and fertilising.
Chillies, aubergines, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes can be sown indoors.
What to Look for in Nature
Flora and Fauna
Alexanders, bistort, burdock, chickweed, comfrey, cowslips, crocus, daffodils, dandelion leaves, gorse, hawthorn tips, orache, primulas, rampion, salad burnet, violets, wild garlic, wood sorrel.
The March Kitchen
Purple sprouting broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, chicory, kale, onions, radish, turnips.
Other News
Joanna Grace Thesis
Joanna's thesis is out!
Read it free here: https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/497372/
People who have been connected to Joanna will have watched this work unfold.
Joanna writes ''People with profound intellectual and multiple learning disabilities are among the most marginalised, excluded, vulnerable, and silenced members of our communities. One of the many ways in which they are marginalised and made vulnerable is through their exclusion from research, either research's outright disregard for disabled lives or through research that acknowledges people with mild or severe intellectual impairments whilst denying the existence of those with profound intellectual impairments.
In some cases researchers acknowledge the absence of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities in their work, in other cases they claim they have been included but then present work that relies upon intellectual capacity for participation. My work sought to find a way to include people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities in research. It is not the answer, but it is a part of movement in the direction of recognising the belonging of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities, in research, in society and in life. Many other (well maybe not many, but certainly a hearty handful) researchers too are seeking to move in this way.''
Buy Direct £3.50 email rhymingmultisensorystories@outlook.com
Subscribers visit the Members Library to download your copy
Subscribe to the Members Library for unlimited access to all resources, bonus content and FREE mini workshops held throughout the year £95 (site licence, multiple users)
Other Titles in this Series
Fully resourced, step-by-step multisensory stories linking individuals to literature, culture, history & topic through the senses.
Each resource includes themed, sensory activities aimed at promoting communication skills, independence, and areas of learning.

The Seasons Collection
The Weather (Free resource)
Dear Santa (Free resource)
Dear Santa Adapting into a Play (Free resource)
Culture & Celebrations Collection
A Train Ride Through India
(World) Book Day
Burns Night
Chinese New Year
St Patricks Day
The King's Coronation
The Queen's Jubilee (Free resource)
The Romans
Life Skills
Jobs and Work Experience
Shapes - A Multisensory Exploration (includes 130 shape themed, sensory activities)
Listen - An A-Z of Sensory Inspiration to Stimulate the Auditory System
Sensory Resources for Sensory Learners (800+ ideas)
January 2024 Teachers Almanac
The Dentist (Free resource)
Washing Hands (Free resource)
Journey into Space
The Beach
The Farm
The Rainforest
Traditional Tales Collection
The Gingerbread Man
Jack & the Beanstalk
Little Red Riding Hood
The Three Little Pigs
Buy Direct £3.50 (email rhymingmultisensorystories@outlook.com)
Visit the shop £3.98
Visit the Story Library for your FREE resources
Download the Latest Catalogue
Subscribe to the Members Library to gain unlimited access to all resources to view online, download and/or print out, training videos and FREE mini workshops held throughout the year.
£95 per year (school/setting site licence - multiple users)
email rhymingmultisensorystories@outlook.com for more information.
'Multisensory Storytelling & Engagement Through Sensory Activities' Workshop
Whole Setting

Held via Zoom
Run time 2 hours
Public Group Workshop
Held on several dates each month
Digital certificate of completion
Course notes (pdf)
Focus story
1-1 Workshop
Includes 3 free resources of your choice
Digital certificate of completion
Course notes (pdf)
Focus story
Private Group Workshop
Includes 5 free resources of your choice
Digital certificate of completion
Course notes (pdf)
Focus story
Whole school/setting INSET
Includes a free 6-month subscription to the Members Library
Digital certificate of completion
Course notes (pdf)
Focus story
Peer Sensory Storytellers Workshop

The Health & Safety Bit!
Please Read Before Engaging in any of the Activities

Health & Safety Advice & Disclaimer
The author has used their best efforts in preparing the information on this website and makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness or completeness to the contents.
The information is for pleasure purposes only.
If you wish to apply any ideas and activities contained in this blog, on the website or in any of the multisensory stories or resources, you are wholly responsible and take full responsibility for your actions.
The activities are designed to be led and supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
A Note on Allergies/Intolerances
If you have any doubts regarding any activity or prop used, then seek advice before starting.
Be aware of potential choking hazards.
Check the ingredients in any items you may be using for any potential food or skin allergies or respiratory reactions. If you see any signs of redness, swelling or other symptoms of a suspected reaction seek immediate medical advice.
The interactions should be led by the sensory explorer who should be allowed to participate without expectation.
Never force stimuli and stop the activity if the story explorer shows signs that they are not enjoying the session.
Your questions, queries, comments and feedback are always welcome!
Contact me via email
send me a message via social media
See you in April
Thanks for the interesting post