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June Teaching Calendar

Rhyming Multisensory Stories

Updated: Jun 12, 2024

A summer special! Teaching ideas, activities, and inspiration to celebrate the month of June including: UEFA Euro 2024, Butterfly Education Day, Dinosaur Day, Healthy Eating Week, International Yoga Day, details of a FREE story walk-through of 'Summer' - A Multisensory Exploration' and details of a FREE LTLRE event PLUS win a free sensory story teaching pack of your choice!

Dates at a Glance

June 1st - Dinosaur Day

June 3rd - Butterfly Education & Awareness Day

June 11th - LTLRE Meeting (focus on SEND and RE)

June 12th -15th Healthy Eating Week

June 14th - UEFA Euro 2024

June 20th - 26th Insect Week

June 20th - Summer Solstice

June 21st - International Yoga Day

4th July - Independence Day

FREE Event

Watch the recording

Win a Free Sensory Story Teaching Pack of your Choice!

Win a FREE teaching pack of your choice plus a copy of the new teaching pack when it is released!

I am doing research for my new teaching pack 'Sensory Tents & Sensory Story Tents'.

The resource is going to be packed full of ideas and inspiration for our sensory learners of all ages with innovative ideas from guest writers in the SEND field.

Do you have an innovative or exciting tip or idea to share using tents with your students/sensory explorers in your school or setting?

I would also love to include some case study photos in the resource.

You will be given full credit for any submission.

As a little token of thanks, you can choose a free resource from the latest story catalogue, plus you will receive a free copy of the Sensory Tents resource when it is released later this year.

Send me a message via social media

Use the chat feature on the website

I look forward to hearing from you:)

June 1st

Dinosaur Day

Celebrate the day the sensory way!

Dinosaur Dig This sensory play engages the senses, fine motor skills as the student manipulates the objects, problem-solving through experimentation, and creativity & imagination through exploration. You will need

  • Box/Tray/Tuff Tray

  • Sand/soil/stones/pebbles/twigs/leaves/grass (for a less mess option replace the sand/soil with dried pulses, barley/lentils, and/or dried beans)

  • Toy dinosaurs/cotton wool buds (bones), shells (fossils)

  • Items to promote fine motor skills: lidded containers (for storing your finds) paintbrushes (assorted sizes), a sieve for sifting the sand/soil/pulses, spoons, a toothbrush, scoops, and a jug of water.

  • Items to promote scientific investigation: camera, magnifying glass, notebook, and a pencil (for recording findings), ruler, torch

  • Bury pinecones and pine branches (pine trees were around in pre-historic times!)


Take learning outdoors and re-create your archaeological dig in the sandpit. (If you do not have a sandpit then a tomato grow bag is a good alternative)


Replace the sand with taste safe 'sand' by mixing flour, crushed cereal (Rice Krispies or Cornflakes are ideal!) and adding a little water to reach your preferred consistency. Option to add spices (cinnamon will give an authentic soil brown colour)

Encourage the students to use the tools to unearth treasure and record their findings

Extend Learning

Add items not found in prehistoric times e.g., coins, dice, a Lego brick, a toy car, a stainless steel, or plastic spoon

Can the student recognise these items as being the red herrings?

(SALT) Promote Functional Language

Can the sensory explorer name the item?

Can the sensory explorer tell you what the item is used for? If they are unsure, then provide plenty of clues.

Can the sensory explorer tell you why they think the item would not have been invented in prehistoric times?

June 3rd

Butterfly Education & Awareness Day (BEAD)

A day to raise awareness and celebrate butterflies.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Sensory Story

Based on the book by Eric Carle, this activity connects students to literature and engages the senses providing the opportunity for students to explore and express their likes, dislikes and sensory preferences giving them a voice and a choice.

You will need:

  • Torch

  • Leaf

  • Egg (Pop a drop of glue on the leaf then leave to dry)

  • Red and green pipe cleaners

  • Apple

  • Pear

  • Plum

  • Strawberries

  • Oranges

  • 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' book by Eric Carle

Read 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' story by Eric Carle presenting the props/sensory stimuli as they appear in the story.

  1. The Leaf: Dim the lights then shine the torch onto the leaf. Can the students find the egg? Explore cause and effect, can the students use turn the torch ON/OFF independently?

  2. The Caterpillar: Promote fine motor skills. Can the students twist red and green pipe cleaners to make a caterpillar?

  3. The Fruit: Engage the senses and explore likes, dislikes and sensory preferences. Offer the apples, pears, plums, strawberries and oranges for the students to touch, smell and taste. Can the students choose between two preferred items? Can the students make a rejection if they do not like any of the items?

  4. The Other Foods: Print out and laminate a matching board with the chocolate cake, ice cream, Swiss cheese, salami, lollipop, cherry pie, sausage, melon, and a cupcake. Print out a set of matching pictures. Can the students match the correct picture to the one on the matching board?

Extend Learning

Cut the pictures out.

Can the students place the pictures in the correct order that the items appear in the story?

5. The Lettuce Leaf: Present lettuce leaves for the students to touch, smell and taste.

Tip: A mixed bag of salad presents a range of colours, tastes and textures for the student to explore.

Discuss healthy eating. Can the students group the food items into healthy foods and foods you would eat as a treat? (Link to 'Healthy Eating Week 12th-15th June)

6. The Cocoon: Can the students climb into a sleeping bag or stretch in a body sock like the caterpillar?

7. The Butterfly: Open a parachute and move it up and down slowly like the wings of a butterfly.

Parachute Game:

  • Place plastic fruits on the parachute.

  • Can the students keep the fruit on the parachute as it is lifted up and down?

  • If the fruits drop, can the students catch and name them.

Extend Learning:

Can the students retell the story using the props?

Alternative Activity:

Can the students make a fruit kebab containing the correct quantities of fruit as they appear in the story? (One apple, two (pieces of) pear, three (pieces of) plums, four strawberries, five (pieces of) oranges?

Health & Safety Guidance

  • Be Allergy Aware

  • Beware of Potential Choking Hazards (remove pips/stones/seeds)

Non-Food Alternative Activity

Read the story then explore dried fruit peel, scented body lotions/creams and/or essential oils.

Can the student show a preference for a scent or make a rejection if they do not like a scent?

Guidance: When working with scents, start at a distance and work your way towards the student taking their lead as to some individuals, smells may be overpowering.

Plant a butterfly garden

You will need:

  • Bowl

  • Wildflower seeds

  • Tissue paper

  • Water

  • Spoon


  1. Tear or cut the tissue paper into tiny pieces and place into the bowl.

  2. Add the wildflower seeds.

  3. Mix using a spoon or your hands.

  4. Add a little water to bind.

  5. Roll into balls.

  6. Leave to dry on a sunny windowsill.

  7. Throw or plant into the garden/outdoor area.

  8. Watch as your garden/outdoor area transforms into a carpet of colour!

  9. At the end of summer, harvest the dried seeds and store in a paper bag ready to plant next year!

Explore the life cycle of a butterfly

If you have a class budget, purchase a butterfly growing kit. Raise and feed your own butterflies watching them transform from caterpillars to adult butterflies before releasing into the wild.

'Strawberry Fields' by Austyn

Strawberry Fields Sensory Art

This stunning piece of sensory art was sent in by Austyn (Aged 9)

(Thanks to his teacher Jude)

Re-Create Austyn's Artwork

You will need

  • Canvas/paper/card

  • Scourer

  • Brown paint

  • Red paint

  • Fine paintbrush

  • Foam


1. Create the texture of the field by applying brown paint to the canvas/paper/card using a scourer.

2. Draw a strawberry shape on a piece of paper, place on a piece of foam and cut around it. 3. Dip the foam into red paint then print onto the canvas/paper/card.

4. Create the green leaves and stalks of the strawberries by finger painting.

5. Dip the end of a paint brush in yellow paint then dot onto the strawberries to create the seeds.

On this Day in History

3rd June 1965

Astronaut Ed White became the first American to conduct a spacewalk.

Activity Idea

Walking on the Moon This activity will build strength, balance and promote physical development and can take place in the classroom, outdoor area or in the PE hall as part of a PE session. Create a moonscape adventure obstacle course using PE equipment.

  • Crawl through the tunnels of the rocket: Tunnel/blanket/scramble net.

  • Descend the rocket steps: Steps/balance beam/balance bar.

  • Follow the footprints of aliens: Throw down feet/stilts/giant foam feet/stompers.

  • Navigate moon rocks: Lay a sensory pathway using hula hoops/balance steps/’River Stones’/stepping logs.

  • Take a ride on a moon buggy: Scooter board/balance board/’Saturn Skippers’, space hopper

  • See how high you can bounce on the moon: Trampoline/mini trampoline/space hopper

  • Catch the floating picnic items: Place plastic/toy food (fruit/paper plates etc) on a parachute, waft upwards to make the fruit float then catch the fruit in the parachute as it lands.

Tip! Create a space landscape in your soft playroom. Place black material on the floor to represent space or a black hole then make an obstacle course by placing foam wedges/rockers/gym mats/balance balls/beanbags/pillows/cushions around the room. Can the students navigate their way through space in their rocket over the soft play equipment avoiding falling into the black hole?

Can the students make their movements slow and bouncy taking large, slow leaps around the room like an astronaut?


Play space music or space sound effects (e.g., space shuttle launch, cargo door closing, engines roaring, fans, mission control countdown from ten, radio waves, windstorm, beep, drone, matrix, ambient space sound) in the background.

Take Learning Outdoors

If you have outdoor play equipment/climbing wall/frame create a story around the equipment e.g., climbing the ladders to descend the rocket then re-create a spacewalk using the play equipment.

Have a budget?

Consider purchasing a set of Sound Steps. These are foam stepping-stones that play sound recordings (up to 30 seconds) when you step on them. Perfect for your sensory adventures!

12th - 15th June

Healthy Eating Week

'Superheroes' £3.98

Explore Superhero Superfoods*

Add excitement to the topic of healthy eating by exploring superhero superfoods!

Present a wide range of different tastes and textures for the individual to explore at their own pace.

Initial explorations could be through touch and smell, the next step to present a tiny touch to the lips progressing onto a morsel or a drop in the mouth, an egg spoon full then building up to a full bite.

Be Allergy Aware!

Popeye knew that spinach was packed with vitamins to make him strong and healthy!

Explore Healthy Green Foods: Apples, Avocados, Beans, Broccoli, Courgettes, Cucumber, Green Peppers, Kiwi, Lettuce, Watercress.

Ironman needs foods containing iron in his diet: Broccoli, Dark Chocolate, Dried Apricots, Legumes (Beans, Lentils, Chickpeas, Peas, and Soybeans), Pumpkin Seeds, Spinach, Tofu.

Superman's Superfoods

Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Blackberries, Beans, Blueberries, Carrots, Cauliflower, Cherries, Courgettes, Figs, Fish Oils, Flaxseed, Garlic, Grapefruit, Herbs, Kiwi, Melon, Onion, Pepper, Plums, Pulses, Pumpkin, Rye, Spices, Strawberry, Watercress.

D & T Food Activity

Make Lettuce Wraps

You will need

  • Washed Whole Lettuce Leaves

  • Herbs: Basil, Chives, Coriander, Dill, Mint, Mustard Seeds, Paprika, Parsley

  • Salad Items: Beetroot, Cherry Tomatoes, Cress, Cucumber, Spring Onions, Watercress

  • Cheese Slice, Croutons

  • Coleslaw, Pickled Onions, Red Cabbage

  • Dips: Aioli, Guacamole, Hummus, Onion Dip, Raita, Salsa, Sour Cream, Tzatziki,

  • Condiments: Balsamic Vinegar, Mayonnaise, Piccalilli, Salad Cream, Vinaigrette,


  1. Lay the lettuce leaf flat.

  2. Add the ingredients

  3. Top with a dip or condiment

  4. Roll

  5. Eat!

14th June UEFA Euro 2024

Here are ideas of how to bring the game into the classroom with a virtual sensory football match.

Re-creating a football game is an excellent way for sensory explorers to learn about the game of football and other cultures.

For the purpose of this post, I have chosen Italy vs Spain.

You can use any combination of countries to suit your props.

Gathering Props 

Audio Clips/Recordings of the Italian & Spanish National Anthems and of a Football Crowd

(These can be recorded and then played back via a Talking Tile/BIGMack /Dictaphone/Phone or iPad App or through your whiteboard, you will find free downloadable audio clips on the internet) You can also create your own crowd noise, record and playback.

Smells & Tastes of Italy 

Basil Leaves, Fresh Parsley, Dried Pasta, Pizza, Garlic (bulb, flakes, powder or infused in food: garlic bread/crackers) Dried Coffee Beans/Granules (decaffeinated), Ice-Cream.

Smells & Tastes of Spain

Olives, Dried Rice/Rice Pudding (Paella), ‘Sangria’ (non-alcoholic fruit juice), Tortillas, Peppers, Spanish Omelette.

Table Football Game  

Fans (Hand-Held/Battery/Squeeze), Penne Pasta/Straws, Ping Pong Ball/Polystyrene Ball/Pom-Pom, Football 'Net' (this can either be drawn on the table with chalk or you could use small fishing nets held by the ‘goal keepers’ at either end of the table)


Whistle, Party Blower


Football Scarves/Shorts/Shirt, Flags (these can be printed off the internet or drawn - the students could create their own flags prior to the match) Bam Bams/Thunderstix/Boom Sticks/Horn/Drum/Clappers, Oranges/Satsumas /Juice, Trophy (Gold Coins/Stickers)


  1. Explore the football kit with the option for the sensory explorers to wear during the match.

  2. Divide the sensory explorers into two groups of football supporters, Italian and Spanish.

  3. Present each group with their countries flag to wave as they listen to the audio recording of the National Anthem in turn. (Option to ‘play’ along to the anthem using musical instruments)

  4. Explore the smells and tastes of each country.

  5. Build anticipation skills counting backwards from 3 to 1 giving the cue for the sensory explorers to blow their whistles/party blowers to signal the start of the match.

  6. Play the audio clip of the crowd cheering.

  7. Begin your game of table football by placing the ping pong ball/polystyrene ball/pom pom in the centre of the table.

  8. Sensory explorers move the ‘ball’ by directing their fans or blowing through straws/ penne pasta. Alternatively, they could flick the 'ball' using their fingers/hands.

  9. When a goal is scored pass the Bam Bams/Thunderstix/Boom Sticks/Horn/Drum/Clappers for exploration.

  10. Either on a timer or until everyone has had a turn on the ball then break for half time to enjoy a tasty segment of orange/satsuma or drink of juice.

  11. .Switch ends of the table then play the second half of the game.

  12.  Play the Play National Anthem of the winning team as they collect their 'trophy’ (this can be made from a cardboard cut-out covered in foil) or alternative prize such as a gold coin, sticker, certificate or other motivating/rewarding item.

Extension Activities

Make Hot Dogs/Veggie Dogs with onions and condiments.

This is a great opportunity to explore new tastes, make choices either verbally or through the facilitation of PECS or a choice board (mustard, ketchup or relish?) and to practice fine motor skills preparing a Hot/Veggie Dog.

Insect Week June 20th - June 26th

Minibeast Hunt

Learning about mini beasts develops knowledge and understanding of the world and caring for the wildlife and the environment. Outdoor learning enables students to engage all of the senses.

Explore different outdoor settings: a park, garden, fields, forests, the beach and the woods. Take a magnifying glass.

Can the student find and observe: A beetle, butterfly, ladybird, moth, spider, snail, centipede, grasshopper, ant, wasp, bee, woodlouse, earwig, slug, worm?

Health & Safety Do not touch the insects

Look for habitats

  • Can the student find a spider's web?

  • Can the student gently lift a stone and observe what is living underneath?

  • Can the student look in shrubs, under leaves, in the soil, ponds and hedges?

  • Can the student look underneath a log to find a micro habitat.

Suggested Resource

Minibeasts - A Multisensory Exploration

Explore the world of the minibeasts with this multisensory story and themed, sensory extension activities

Table of Contents

How to Tell a Multisensory Story

Minibeasts - Full Poem

Minibeasts - A Multisensory Exploration

Minibeasts - Story Bag

Minibeasts - Sensory Bin

Outdoor Learning Ideas & Inspiration

Minibeast Hunt

Make a Wormery

Minibeast Fun Facts

June 21st

International Yoga Day

Yoga is relaxing and good for the mind and body.

The following are suggested poses and do not have to be exact, focus on relaxation and exploring and enjoying movement.

Yoga is best practiced with bare feet on a mat.

Always stretch very gently and never force movement.

It is fun to adapt a story into a yoga session.

Morning Routine Yoga Story

'It's 7am and you are asleep'

Students lie on their back, arms by their sides like soldiers.

(Corpse Pose)

'At 7.30am the alarm rings, roll over to switch it off'

Students roll onto their right side and stretch their left arm to turn an imaginary alarm clock off - option to use sound effects.

It's time to get out of bed, very slowly sit up and cross your legs'

Students sit up and cross their legs

(Lotus Pose)

'You are thankful for another beautiful day'

Students place the palms together in a prayer position.

(Continuation of Lotus Pose)

'You stand up and stretch'

Students stand up straight with their feet at hip distance apart pressed to the floor and their arms at their sides.

(Mountain Pose)

'Time for breakfast! Reach for the cereal box on the high shelf.'

From the Mountain the students bring their arms out to the sides and raise them above their heads bringing the palms together.

(Upward Hands Pose)

'The school bus/taxi has arrived, find a seat and sit down'

Students bring their arms to their sides, bend the knees and squat as if sitting on a chair

(Chair Pose)

'You arrive at school and your first lesson is learning some fascinating facts about how animals move'

(Take a short break and relax your body)

'Owls can turn their heads 270 degrees!' Students sit upright on their heels, and twist the upper body to the left, then to the right.

(Owl Pose)

'The wings of a butterfly move in a figure of eight motion'

Students sit on their buttocks and with a tall spine, bend their legs, placing the soles of their feet together, then slowly move their legs like the wings of a butterfly.

(Butterfly Pose)

'Snakes defy gravity and can move up walls'

Students lie on their front, place the palms flat next to their shoulders then lift their head and shoulders off ground.

(Cobra Pose)

'The fastest fish to cover short distances is the sailfish (109km per hour) Students lie on their front with their knees bent, lift the chest and reach their arms back towards their toes. Can they stretch to hold their feet? (Fish Pose)

'Dogs have 18 muscles in their ear that can move in lots of directions to help them hear' From a standing position, the students bend down and place their palms flat on the ground, stepping the feet back to create an upside-down V shape with their buttocks high in the air. Straighten the legs, relax the head and neck and look down between their legs.

(Downward Dog)

'Cats can turn themselves the right side up in mid-air if they should fall upside-down'

Students position themselves on all-fours, rounding their backs and tucking their chins into the chest.

(Cat Pose)

'Mice use their whiskers to sense temperature and rough/smooth edges'

Students sit on their heels, slowly bring their forehead down to rest in front of their knees the rest their arms down alongside your body.

(Mouse Pose)


June 21st

Summer Solstice

'Summer - A Multisensory Exploration'

I love the cover to this resource designed by Megan Dunwell (age 12) from Greater Manchester who won a competition to design the cover for 'Summer - A Multisensory Exploration' £3.98

Megan made this picture at home with her lovely Mum.

The design was printed onto canvas.

The stems are ribbons.

Megan chose which flower and colour she wanted to use each time from choice of 2 different options.

The leaves are Megan's fingerprints which added a personal touch.

'Summer - A Multisensory Exploration' is a bumper resource and includes 101 summer themed sensory extension.

'The colours of summer are the bright yellow sun

That lights up the room when the day has begun

The deep blue hues of the sapphire sky

Streaks like white chalk where the planes have flown by.'

Table of Contents

About the Artist

The Benefits of Multisensory Storytelling

How to Tell a Multisensory Story

Story Props Checklist

Summer Full Poem/Story

Summer Senses

Summer Nature

Nature's Art Room

Independent Skills - Task Boxes

Life Skills

Summer Safety

Bubbles & Sand Dough

Summer Sounds

Summer Role Play

D & T Summer Food

Understanding the World

D & T

The Summer Garden

Outdoor Learning

Pebble Painting

Summer Maths

Summer P.E

Culture - Traditional Clothing

Summer Festivals Around the World

Summer Science

Summer Plants & Life Cycles


Spotlight on...Hebden Green School

Sensory Art 'Sparrow's sensory Sun'

Sensory Art - 'Barn Owls Summer Exploration'

Sensory Art- 'Starlings - We're all Going on a Summer Holiday'


Click here to watch a full story walk-through of 'Summer a Multisensory Exploration'

Summer Task Boxes

Task boxes provide the materials and tools needed to complete a job or task.

They are easy to set up.

1. Theme your box then place the items/tools required to complete the task.

2. You have the option to add pictures in steps or written instructions.

3. Always discuss how to use any tools safely and supervise the activity.

Plant Care Task Box You will need

  • Bucket

  • Hand fork

  • Gardening gloves

  • Watering can/jug

  • Small container/compost bucket


1. Place the items inside the bucket.

2. Can the student remember to wear their gardening gloves and put them on independently?

3. Can the student use the hand fork to dislodge weeds from a flower bed?

4. Can the student use the watering can/jug to water plants/flowers?

5. Can the student remove any dead leaves/flower heads from the plants and place in the compost bucket?

6. Can the student communicate a request for ‘help’ if required?

Seed Planting Task Box You will need

  • Gloves

  • Seeds (Nasturtiums, pick and eat salad, radish and sunflowers are fast growing)

  • Potting compost

  • Small pots or a seed tray

  • Water & watering can

  • Labels


1. Can the student remember to wear their gardening gloves and put them on independently?

2. Can the student read the instructions on the seeds and open the packets?

3. Can the student plant the seeds to the requires depth then cover with soil?

4. Can the student water the pots/seed tray?

5. Can the student label their pots/tray?

4. Can the student communicate a request for ‘help’ if required?

Bedding Plant Task Box You will need

  • Gloves

  • Trowel

  • Tray of bedding plants (begonias, marigolds, pansies, petunia, salvia are easy to grow

  • Water

  • Watering can


1. Can the student remember to wear their gardening gloves and put their gloves on independently?

2. Can the student follow the instructions on the plant label and find a suitable place to place the plants (sunlight and soil) and take into consideration the spacing, how tall and wide the plants will grow?

3. Can the student use the trowel to dig a hole?

4. Can the student remove the plant from the tray and place into the hole?

5. Can the student use fill the watering can with water and water the plant?

6. Can the student communicate a request for ‘help’ if required?

Sparrows Class Sensory Sun

The Sparrows Sensory Sun Activity

Sparrows Class at Hebden Green School in Winsford, Cheshire, had great fun creating their Sensory Sun.

Sparrows Class Teacher Vicky-Ormerod Jordan tells us about the activity and explains how to re-create it.

'The children participated in several multi-sensory activities linked to the sun, which all combined to make their final art piece. The process took a number of sessions which spanned across one full week.'

To re-create the activities

You will need

  • Large yellow or orange scrunchy elastic band or ribbons

  • Oranges and lemons

  • Yellow flowers or leaves

  • Torch

  • Yellow/orange/white paint

  • Paper

Activity 1: The Stretchy Band

'The children held onto a giant yellow stretchy band and participated in songs linked to the sun and summer. Our favourite song was ‘The Sun has Got His Hat On’ but we also enjoy singing ‘You are my Sunshine’ and ‘Sunshine in my Heart.’ The children lifted the band up, down and side to side and rocked forward and back to the music, focusing on their vestibular sense. We also played Vivaldi’s ‘Summer’ from The Four Seasons and moved rhythmically to the music, pinging the band like a violin. We then placed the stretchy band into a circular shape to be the centre of our sun.'

Vicky and Sparrows Students

Activity 2 Sunlight Superstars

'We explored how the sun provides light so living things survive by shining a torch on various parts of our bodies.

We shined the torch on our hands, arms, legs and chin, (being careful not to shine it in our eyes). The children used photos/symbols of body parts to choose where they would like the torch to shine next.

Activity 3: Let’s get Messy- The Sun’s Rays

'To make the sun’s rays, the class chose to use either their hands or their feet. We mixed white and yellow together to make different shades of yellow and also had orange paint available. The children chose their preferred paint colour and made splats with their hands, feet or both! Some pupils preferred to cut out their handprint and use a paintbrush instead, developing fine motor skills. After letting the paint dry, we arranged the hand and footprints to look like rays of sunshine coming out from the centre of our sun.'

Sparrows Class Hebden Green School

Activity 4: Oranges and Lemons

'We sang the rhyme ‘Oranges and Lemons’ and then supported the children to use their senses, focusing on touch, smell and taste. The children rolled the oranges and lemons, and we touched their bumpy, cold skin. We then chopped the oranges and lemons and spent time exploring the smell, touch and taste. The fruit was then placed into the centre of our sun, making a circle. We even added yellow tennis balls as a nod to Wimbledon!'

Thank you to Class Teacher Vicky Ormerod-Jordan and to her wonderful team: Nicky, Ann & Alice and last, but definitely not least, the stars of the show, the students of Sparrows Class!

4th July

Other News

The fabulous Gwyn McCormack, founder of Positive Eye has launched a new app and it is FREE to download

Positive Looking To Go is a comprehensive collection of skills, activities and resources for teachers, teaching assistants and parents to help educate and develop children and young learners with SEND and VI. The App is packed with ideas and information to help in the classroom or at home.

The app will be updated regularly with new resources, activities, and Marvin Adventures so keep an eye up for updates.

Multisensory Storytelling

Bespoke 1-1 training course tailored to meet your requirements (Delivered via Zoom)

Groups and INSET training also available

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries:)

Stories are priced at £3.98 each

Visit the Etsy Store


Subscribe to the Members Library

Gain unlimited access to all resources to view online,

download as a PDF file and/or print plus bonus content.

Subscribers all gain free access to Zoom mini training workshops

£95 per year


for more information


The Seasons Collection





The Weather (free resource)


Dear Santa (free resource)

Dear Santa Adapting into a Play (free resource)

Culture & Celebrations Collection

A Train Ride Through India

Burns Night

Chinese New Year



St Patricks Day


The King's Coronation

The Queen's Jubilee

The Romans

Life Skills

Jobs and Work Experience


Shapes - A Multisensory Exploration (includes 130 shape themed, sensory activities)


Listen - An A-Z of Sensory Inspiration to Stimulate the Auditory System

January 2024 Almanac


The Dentist (free resource)

Washing Hands (free resource)


Airports and Airplane


Journey into Space



The Beach

The Farm

The Rainforest

Traditional Tales Collection

The Gingerbread Man


Jack & the Beanstalk

Little Red Riding Hood

The Three Little Pigs

Visit the Story Library for your FREE resources

The Health & Safety Bit!

Please Read Before Engaging in any of the Activities

Health & Safety Advice & Disclaimer

  • The author has used their best efforts in preparing the information on this website and makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness or completeness to the contents.

  • The information is for pleasure purposes only.

  • If you wish to apply any ideas and activities contained in this blog, on the website or in any of the multisensory stories or resources, you are wholly responsible and take full responsibility for your actions.

  • ​The activities are designed to be led and supervised by a responsible adult at all times.

​​A Note on Allergies/Intolerances

  • ​If you have any doubts regarding any activity or prop used, then seek advice before starting.​

  • ​Be aware of potential choking hazards.

  • Check the ingredients in any items you may be using for any potential food or skin allergies or respiratory reactions. If you see any signs of redness, swelling or other symptoms of a suspected reaction seek immediate medical advice.

  • The interactions should be led by the sensory explorer who should be allowed to participate without expectation.

  • ​Never force stimuli and stop the activity if the story explorer shows signs that they are not enjoying the session.

Your questions, queries, comments and feedback are always welcome!

Contact me via email

Send me a message via social media:)

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Thank you for your support. The next free teaching calendar will be released in September

Have a lovely summer



a day ago

Nothing says style like the 8ball Jacket from Leather Moto Jacket. A must-have for those who love a mix of retro and modern fashion. The premium build ensures both durability and comfort. Whether you're dressing up or keeping it casual, this jacket works every time. Make your wardrobe stand out with this timeless piece!


Dress like Yellowstone’s power couple with the Rip and Beth Costume from Western Outfits! Made with high-quality fabrics for an authentic rancher look. Whether for cosplay, Halloween, or daily wear, it’s a statement piece. Channel Rip and Beth’s bold, fearless energy effortlessly. Grab yours today and embody their legendary style!

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