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April Teaching Calendar

Rhyming Multisensory Stories

Updated: Apr 26, 2024

Teaching ideas, activities, and inspiration for sensory learners of all ages to celebrate the month of April, including St George's Day, Vaisakhi, Shakespeare Day, Earth Day, World Art Day, National Superhero Day and more...

Dates at a Glance

1st April - 1st May - National Pet Month

3rd April - Find a Rainbow Day

7th April - World Health Day

13th April - Vaisakhi

15th April - Anniversary of the Sinking of the Titanic

15th April - World Art Day

22nd April - Earth Day

23rd April - St Georges Day

23rd April - Shakespeare Day

28th April - National Superhero Day

Just for fun!

22nd April - National Jellybean Day

29th April - National Zipper Day

The April Sensory Garden

  • In the 3rd - 4th weeks of April sow in pots then cover: beans, cabbage, cauliflower, courgettes, cucumbers, kale, squash, and sunflowers.

  • Sow outdoors in sunny areas (cover with cloches) leeks, lettuce, peas, potatoes, rocket, spinach, chard.

  • Plant hanging baskets (keep away from frost)

  • Tidy and pull up any weeds.

What to Look for in Nature

Flora and Fauna

  • Alexanders, bistort, burdock, chickweed, comfrey, cowslips, crocus, daffodils, dandelion leaves, gorse, hawthorn tips, orache, primulas, rampion, salad burnet, violets, wild garlic, wood sorrel.

The April Kitchen

  • Purple sprouting broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, chicory, Jersey potatoes, kale, onions, radish, turnips.

Bird of the Month

The Cuckoo

The first cuckoo call can be heard mid-April.

Activity Idea

  • Play a sound effect of a cuckoo.

  • Explore feathers

Extend Learning

Can the student count how many Cuckoo calls they can hear?

1st April - 1st May

National Pet Month

Raising awareness of responsible pet ownership.

Activity Idea

Set up a Pet Store Role Play Area

Jobs & Work Experience £3.98

Told as a multisensory story, this resource explores the world of jobs and work experience.

The extension activities are set up to appeal to appeal to a range of ages and abilities.

Early Years and Reception and Year 1 students can explore the world of work through role play and classroom-based activities.

PMLD students can explore the world of work through the sensory props and themed activities.

For post-16 students there are ideas for work experience within the whole school and suggestions for where to look for work placements in the wider community.

3rd April

Find a Rainbow Day

A day to celebrate the rainbow which symbolises hope. The rainbow also symbolises inclusivity, diversity, and friendship.

Engage in Scientific Investigation

Make a Rainbow

You will need

  • Torch

  • Glass

  • Water

  • Sheet of White Paper


  1. 3/4 fill a glass with water.

  2. Place a white sheet of paper on a table.

  3. Hold the glass above the paper.

  4. Shine the torch from the top of the glass above the water

  5. Adjust the position of the paper until you see a rainbow.

The Science Bit!

When the light passes through the water it breaks up into all the colours it is made from creating a rainbow.

Rainbows End Treasure Hunt

This activity promotes problem solving skills and physical development.

Hide multicoloured 'treasure' items around the room, garden, or outdoor area: acrylic gems, baubles, buttons, coloured clothing pegs, costume jewellery, Lego/Duplo bricks, fabric & material, pom poms, ribbon, tinsel.

  • Provide clues to help students to locate the treasure. This can be done verbally, through the 'hot' and 'cold' game, riddles, visual clues or provide a map.

  • Provide a box or bag for the sensory explorer to store their discovered treasure as they find it.

  • Alternatively provide a tick list or create a laminated visual board for the sensory explorer to tick off or circle as the treasure is found.

Alternative Treasure Hunt Activity

Place multicoloured 'treasure' inside a box of coloured shredded paper.

Can the student(s) use their sense of touch to find the items?

Provide a torch to explore how the treasure sparkles and reflects in the light.

Explore a Kaleidoscope.

Can the student(s) rotate the dial independently and watch the images and patterns created as the colourful beads, feathers and small pieces of glass rotate?

Colour Sorting Game

Develop fine motor skills and colour recognition

  • Can the sensory explorer use safety tweezers/chopsticks/their fingers and thumbs to pick up coloured buttons, Lego bricks, pom poms, gems, and rainbow drops?

  • Can the sensory explorer sort items of the same colour into boxes/baskets.

Rainbow Sensory Umbrella

Thread the ribs of an umbrella with multicoloured LED battery lights (tape the battery pack to the handle of the umbrella)

Tie colourful ribbons, streamers, and mirrors (to reflect the colours) to the ribs of the umbrella.


7th April

World Health Day

World Health Day is dedicated to promoting the benefits of good health and wellbeing.

The theme for 2024 is 'My Health, My Right'

You may wish to focus on healthy eating, exercise, or mental wellbeing.

13th April


Vaisakhi is a Sikh spring harvest celebration.

Activity Ideas

  • Explore yellow and orange fabric and material. Use this as an opportunity for individuals to explore their likes, dislikes, and sensory preferences.

  • Listen to folk music. Can the student(s) play along to the music using a drum, recorders/flutes, shakers, bells, and other percussion instruments?

  • Watch footage of Bhangra dancing. Would the student(s) like to join in?

  • Smell, touch and taste foods traditionally harvested in the spring: Chickpeas Pears Lentils Linseed (Flaxseed)

15th April

The Anniversary of Sinking of the Titanic

Activity Idea: Make boats from materials that float.

For the Boat Base: Balsa, Cardboard Box, Cd’s, Corks, Cupcake Cases, Feathers, Margarine Tubs, Match Sticks, Plastic Bottle Tops, Plastic Bottles, Lids Dishes and Plates, Sponges, Straws, Styrofoam, Twigs, Wooden Craft Sticks.

The Sail: Balloons, Card, Feathers, Foam Shapes, Leaves, Material.

Experiment Make egg box and paper boats.

Explore Cause & Effect Can the sensory explorer direct a fan (battery operated fan/dynamo 'squeeze' fan/hand-held fan, paper/silk fan) at the boat to move it across the water?

Compete Hold a boat race.

Can the students predict the boat that will win based on the materials it is made from?

Explore Add cargo to the boats.

Test Durability

Add Ice cubes to the water. How well do the boats navigate these obstacles?

Engage in Scientific Investigation Add salt to the water. Does this enable the boats and materials to float easier?

Explore the properties of a variety of materials to see which materials float and which ones sink.

15th April

World Art Day

World Art Day is a celebration to promote the development and enjoyment of art around the world.

Spring Paintbrushes

This is a wonderful spring activity that engages the senses, promote fine motor skills and creativity.

You will need:

  • Dried grasses

  • Feathers

  • Flowers

  • Leaves

  • Herbs e.g., Lemon balm mint, rosemary & thyme)

  • Twigs/sticks

  • Seed heads

  • Straw

  • Masking tape/rubber band/string

  • Paper

  • Paint


  • Tape or tie different nature items onto sticks using a rubber band or string, dip in paint and get creative!

  • Explore lines, swirls and create patterns.

22nd April

Earth Day

A day to reflect on the importance of looking after the environment and protecting our planet.

Teach students about the impact of landfill and climate change with these two hands-on activities.

Just for Fun!

22nd April

National Jellybean Day

This is a fun activity (and we all need a little treat!)

Can the students guess the flavour of the jellybean? (To make this easier offer a choice of two possible flavours)

Can the students use adjectives to describe the flavour: bitter, buttery, citrus, floral, fresh, fruity, grapey, lemony, limey, refreshing, sour, sweet, syrupy, tangy, tart, toasty, vanilla, zesty, zingy?

Can other students guess the flavour by the description?

(Be aware of allergies and choking hazards)

23rd April

Shakespeare Day

Connect your students to classical poetry by exploring a line of a poem.

The example below shows ideas for 'Macbeth' by William Shakespeare

23rd April

St George's Day

Here are two ideas linking to maths as students use their problem solving, organisation and lateral thinking skills to re-create a St Georges Day Flag using red and white Lego bricks and pegs.

Alternative Activity

Can the students create a St Georges Flag using red and white pegs and a pegboard?

29th April

World Zipper Day!

A day to be grateful for those little inventions that make a difference to our lives and an opportunity to promote fine motor skills and independence (dressing skills)

Explore Fastenings:

Buckles, Buttons, Cuff Links, Eyelets, Magnetic Clasps, Metal Hook & Eye, Shoelaces, Sliders, Snap Hooks, Toggles, Velcro, Zips.

28th April

National Superhero Day

A day to honour all superheroes, both fictional and real.

Explore the powers of superheroes!

Suggested Resource

Explore superheroes as our student takes you through his school day and meets the superheroes in his/her life.

'Superheroes' - Click the images to view Gallery

Other April Resources

Explore the sights, sounds, tastes, smells and textures of Spring with this multisensory story.

'Spring' - Click to view Gallery

'Blossom' Sensory Art by Austyn

(Thank you to Austyn and his teacher Jude)

This beautiful tree in blossom was created by dipping fingers into paint then applying to the branches to make the blossom.

Other News

Just Released!


This comprehensive teaching pack includes 'Elephants', a fully resourced, step by step multisensory story, a case study, plus themed, sensory ideas, and activities aimed at supporting the five areas of the engagement model, creativity, independence, building communication skills, and supporting other areas of learning linking to curriculum subjects and topics.

Perfect for students (aged 3-19) following pre-formal/sensory, semi-formal or formal pathways, and EYFS to Year 1 students in mainstream education.

Click the images below for a Table of Contents and sample pages.

Subscribers visit the Members Library to download your copy

Subscribe to the Members Library for unlimited access to all resources, bonus content and FREE mini workshops held throughout the year £95 (site licence, multiple users)

Just Landed!

Just Landed!

'Airports and Airplanes' Teaching Pack, includes a fully resourced, step-by-step multisensory story, mini 'Brief History of Flight' sensory story plus themed, activities for sensory learners of all ages.

'This is a story about travel, airports, and planes

Luggage, security, gates, and runways

The feelings on my senses, smell, hearing, touch, taste, sight

In the airport building, and when I’m on my flight'

Join our character as s/he experiences the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures of the airport from the check-in desk to landing!


The benefits of multisensory storytelling

Story delivery ideas

Skills promoted in this teaching pack

How to tell a multisensory story

Use sound effects in sensory storytelling

Story props checklist

Airports and Airplanes a fully resourced, step-by-step multisensory story

Sunflower ice activity

Plasticine sunflowers

Pompom sunflowers

Sunflower head printing

Sensory paint

Seascapes and clouds

3D landscape

Airplane vapour trails art activity

Airplanes on the runway art activity

Cloud dough recipe

Chickpea cloud dough recipe

The sounds of the airport and airplane

The smells of the airport and airplane

The tastes of the airport and airplane

The textures of the airport and airplane

Flight sensory bag


Life skills: pack a holiday suitcase

Role play

Re-create a virtual flight

The perfumery

'A Brief history of Flying' mini sensory story

Promoting literacy skills

Subscribers visit the Members Library to download your copy

Subscribe to the Members Library for unlimited access to all resources, bonus content and FREE mini workshops held throughout the year £95 (site licence, multiple users)

Other Titles in this Series

Fully resourced, step-by-step multisensory stories linking individuals to literature, culture, history & topic through the senses.

Each resource includes themed, sensory activities aimed at promoting communication skills, independence, and areas of learning.


The Seasons Collection





The Weather (Free resource)


Dear Santa (Free resource)

Dear Santa Adapting into a Play (Free resource)

Culture & Celebrations Collection

A Train Ride Through India

Burns Night

Chinese New Year



St Patricks Day


The King's Coronation

The Queen's Jubilee (Free resource)

The Romans

Life Skills

Jobs and Work Experience


Shapes - A Multisensory Exploration (includes 130 shape themed, sensory activities)


Listen - An A-Z of Sensory Inspiration to Stimulate the Auditory System

Sensory Resources for Sensory Learners (800+ ideas)

January 2024 Teachers Almanac


The Dentist (Free resource)

Washing Hands (Free resource)


Journey into Space



The Beach

The Farm

The Rainforest

Traditional Tales Collection

The Gingerbread Man


Jack & the Beanstalk

Little Red Riding Hood

The Three Little Pigs

Visit the shop £3.98

Visit the Story Library for your FREE resources

Download the Latest Catalogue

Subscribe to the Members Library to gain unlimited access to all resources to view online, download and/or print out, training videos and FREE mini workshops held throughout the year.

£95 per year (school/setting site licence - multiple users)

email for more information.


'Multisensory Storytelling & Engagement Through Sensory Activities' Workshop



Whole Setting


Held via Zoom

Run time 2 hours


Public Group Workshop


Held on several dates each month

Digital certificate of completion

Course notes (pdf)

Focus story

1-1 Workshop


Includes 3 free resources of your choice

Digital certificate of completion

Course notes (pdf)

Private Group Workshop


 Includes 5 free resources of your choice

Digital certificate of completion

Course notes (pdf)

Whole school/setting INSET


Includes a free 6-month subscription to the Members Library

Digital certificate of completion

Course notes (pdf)

The Power of Literacy from Sensory Engagement to Literacy Learning

23rd April 3.30pm to 5.30pm

Join us for another practical, thought provoking and interactive session, revamped to provide support for all professionals and families.

  • This popular session will support a deeper appreciation for literacy for all including those learners with profound and multiple intellectual disabilities.

  • We know that literacy is not just about reading words on a page.

  • So, join us as we share a more inclusive broader definition of literacy, which embraces the unique ways in which each learner engages with the world of words.

  • We will share the importance of

  • Building a solid foundation, exploring how we consider the unique needs of each learner, including sensory preferences and communication styles.

  • Extending beyond traditional reading strategies to embrace a wide range of approaches, from sound discrimination (tackling the issue of phonics!) to interactive storytelling.

  • Celebrating practical success stories to illustrate the potential of inclusive literacy education.

Join us in this interactive session where we aim to answer the questions that will empower everyone, to be part of the richness that literacy can offer.

Find out more

The Health & Safety Bit!

Please Read Before Engaging in any of the Activities

Health & Safety Advice & Disclaimer

  • The author has used their best efforts in preparing the information on this website and makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness or completeness to the contents.

  • The information is for pleasure purposes only.

  • If you wish to apply any ideas and activities contained in this blog, on the website or in any of the multisensory stories or resources, you are wholly responsible and take full responsibility for your actions.

  • ​The activities are designed to be led and supervised by a responsible adult at all times.

​​A Note on Allergies/Intolerances

  • ​If you have any doubts regarding any activity or prop used, then seek advice before starting.​

  • ​Be aware of potential choking hazards.

  • Check the ingredients in any items you may be using for any potential food or skin allergies or respiratory reactions. If you see any signs of redness, swelling or other symptoms of a suspected reaction seek immediate medical advice.

  • The interactions should be led by the sensory explorer who should be allowed to participate without expectation.

  • ​Never force stimuli and stop the activity if the story explorer shows signs that they are not enjoying the session.

Your questions, queries, comments, and feedback are always welcome!

Get in touch:

See you in May


1 Comment

Apr 15, 2024

Very nice post

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